(1清掃 2アルコール除菌作業 3客室内設置グラス類等高温洗浄及び次亜塩素酸水消毒後設置 4噴霧器による次亜塩素酸水消毒 5消毒済みシール)
(1作業前、2食品の検収、保管 3下処理 4原材料等の保管、管理 5調理 6盛り付け 7施設、設備の衛生 8従事者の管理)
宿泊支配人 渡邉裕之
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Hygiene and disinfection programs of Kamisuwa Onsen Shinyu Hotel
Kamisuwa Onsen Shinyu Hotel has been opening on June 1st. Meanwhile, we are pleased to let you know that we have been adopting exclusive sanitizing and disinfection programs to secure the health and safety of our guests.
【Sanitizing and disinfection programs】
From Jun 1st, we have been adopting exclusive sanitizing and disinfection programs.
The program is summed up by three parts:
【1】Hygiene management of facilities
【2】Prevent infection between people
【3】Hygiene management training
We enhance our existing methods and implement new protocols as the program.
There are two aspects of the new protocol; one is avoiding the “Three Cs.” (Closed spaces with poor ventilation/ Crowded places with many people nearby/ Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations); the other is about three principles of food poisoning prevention ( Do not allow pathogens to come in contact with food/ Do not leave pathogens to multiply/ Destroy all pathogens )
※This program is base on “Covid-19 guideline version 1” by all japan ryokan hotel association and “HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control point) system’s guidelines.” by the ministry of health, labour and welfare.
【1】Hygiene management of facilities
・Sanitizer dispensers installed at whole rooms and public spaces.
・Disinfecting with ozone, after check-out and during midnight. (whole public spaces, kitchen)
・Humidifiers set up at whole public spaces and releasing hypochlorous acid mist by midnight. (entire public spaces)
・Fogging with disinfectant (rooms (after check-out), whole public spaces)
・High-Touch areas are increase cleaning frequency with alcohol.
・Five steps of sanitizing with alcohol and hypochlorous acid water (1.Cleaning 2.degerming with alcohol 3. After high-temperature washed, glasses of each room will be disinfected with hypochlorous acid water again 5.Placing a seal on doors to indicate the place has been cleaned. )
・Public bath, restaurant and all the common areas will be increased cleaning frequency.
・Frequency ventilation is conducted at all space.
・We accept health inspections from external agencies.
・The whole hotel is non-smoking. A smoking room set according to laws.
・Shuttle buses had been set up humidifiers with hypochlorous acid mist and always disinfecting with alcohol.
・Hygiene management of facilities and foods are follow-through in the kitchen.
・We have been adopting HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), which is for hygienic management of foods.
・The purchase of foods and goods will be sanitized.
・TV remotes and other goods will be lighted with UV.
・An anti-microbe mat laid in the entrance.
【2】Prevent infection between people
・All staff are required to take and record the temperature every day.
・All staff are required to rinse their mouth, washing hands and sanitizing with alcohol in follow-through.
・All staff are required to take a stool test of Norovirus monthly. (Nov~Mar)
・All staff are required to receive influenza vaccine.
・All staff are required to wear gloves while doing clean.
・All staff are required to wear gloves while working in the kitchen and serving meals.
・All staff are required to wear gloves.
・All staff are required to wear face shields during serving meals.
・Full-course is provided at each dining room.
・Customers are free to make their choice at lunch dinner places.
・To secure the social distance of staff and customers.
・All staff are required to wear masks.
・All guests will be inquired for their health condition during check-in.
・All guests will be required to wear masks when activating at common space.
・Hotel’s capacity will be limited down to 50%.
・Pulse oximeters are available for lending.
・Should there be any uncomfortable in the health conditions of the guest, our staff will help them to quarantine by follow the instructions of the health centre.
・Social distance also secures on the shuttle bus.
・Before to ride the shuttle bus, all guests will be required to sanitize with alcohol and wear a mask.
・All purchasing staff are required to wear masks and gloves.
・Reduce talking in the elevator and public baths.
【3】Hygiene management training
・Implement education of sanitizing and disinfection programs to all staff.
・Training of hand washing steps.
・Invite external agencies for hygiene management lecture.
・All staff of kitchen and dinner’s servers are required to follow the hygiene management manual follow-through.
・Eight steps of sanitizing in the kitchen (1.Before working 2.Foods’ testing and preservation, 3. Foods’ processing, 4. Foods’ managements, 5.Cooking 6.Setout 7.Hygiene management of equipment 8. Management of staff.)
Our hygiene and disinfection programs, as shown above, has started on June 1st.
We will effort to improve our programs while executing, from now on, then achieving more upward level of hygiene and disinfection.
All staff members look forward to welcoming you.
Hotel manager
Hiroyuki Watanabe
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上諏訪溫泉親湯 衛生・消毒計畫概要
上諏訪溫泉親湯 自6月1日起導入獨家的衛生・消毒計畫。
為預防疾病感染的情況發生,並以顧客的安全為第一考量, 本館提升了衛生管理的標準,實施獨家衛生・消毒計畫, 期盼讓下榻的顧客更為安心。
・採5階段式消毒清掃,並使用酒精和次氯酸消毒水消毒(1清掃、 2酒精除菌、 3客房內擺放的玻璃杯等,於高溫洗淨後再用次氯酸消毒水消毒 、4使用次氯酸消毒水噴霧 、 5標貼已消毒的貼紙)
・調理室的衛生消毒分為8道程序(1作業前 、2食品的檢驗與保管、3食材的處理、4原食材等的保管和管理、5調理、6擺盤、7設備和設施的衛生管理、8從事人員的管理)
旅館經理 渡邊裕之